Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Free Will

November 15, 2012 I was thinking this morning of all the needs I know about in my small world, and the problems so many people are having, and I literally asked God, "Are you ever sorry you gave man free will?" I thought about Adam and Eve and how they were given the choice to obey or not, and since they chose to disobey - look at the mess our world is in. As I paused to listen, I was reminded that God not only gave his creation free will, but Jesus too had free will. It says in the New Testament that he was given the freedom to call angels to rescue him off the cross, so he didn't have to suffer and die. He could have chosen not to die, not to save us, not to conquer death. Then it hit me. The very nature of who God is - is free will. He freely loves us, not because he has to, but because he IS love and he FREELY loves us. It's who he is. It's who Jesus is. So how could he create something in His image that was any different? WOW! We are created in his image, we have the free will to love him, obey him...or not. And that truly is the very part of our being that is like him. May I always choose to obey, because even in the worst pain and suffering that could possibly come my way - He has promised a resurrection from death - into life.

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