Thursday, December 6, 2012

Can You Hear It?

December 7, 2012

Psalm 51 speaks of “hearing” joy and gladness.

We just discussed what “wearing” joy looks like.  But what about hearing it?  

The Bible says faith comes through hearing the Word. We hear truth over and over again until we believe it.  That’s faith.

I think in order to hear joy we must surround ourselves with joyful noises.  Friends who complain and gossip are not joyful noises.  Shows and news programs that we listen to that slander, profane, and promote things like infidelity and violence are not joyful noises.  The sound of our own voices echoing the “poor me” sentiment found among many is not a joyful noise.

So what are joyful noises?  They sound like celebrations of the goodness of God in the lives of those who love Him.  We need to be surrounded by others who believe in God’s goodness and faithfulness and who speak of it all day long to their children, and to you.  

Don’t know any people like that?  You need to change groups…and find the sounds of joy.

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