Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Five Senses "Camp"

Recently, we had our daughter's three kids - ages 5, 3, and 1 - for five days while our daughter and her husband were at camp with their youth kids from church.  We decided to have our own "camp" with the three littles, a very simple one, on the five senses.

Each day had a verse, activities, and a prayer to end with before sleep.

Here's what we did:

SEE - Proverbs 20:12, talked about seeing beauty and color in the world (painted with water, colored, and put together sticker scenes (Melissa & Doug)), looked for opportunities to help others in need, and prayed: Thank you God for Eyes, to See, Thank you God for Making Me.

TOUCH - Matthew 8:3, talked about touching others through hugs, holding hands, etc. and how we can feel wind, heat, cold and love - looked for ways to "touch" others through prayer (prayed for a man we saw in a wheelchair).  We created with touch by painting wooden car and treasure chest, and created with Play Dough (ice cream set pictured below).  Prayed: Thank you God for Hands that Feel, Thank you God that you are Real.

(she mixed playdough with painting her treasure box :)

HEAR - Matthew 11:15, we talked about listening to good and turning away from bad thoughts or words we hear, how we can whisper or sing and hear loud trucks and singing birds (we listened for them all outside - shut our eyes to hear better and guess what we heard).  We listened to kids' songs on a new CD as we drove in the car and drew pictures of what we heard in nature.  Prayer: Thank you God for Ears that Hear, Thank you God that you are Near.

TASTE - Psalm 34:8.  We talked about sweet/salty, creamy/crunchy and we put together tasting trays using our cooler lid and storage lids - really liked the pretzel Goldfish and vanilla cupcake Goldfish.  We included fruit, creamy yogurt, crunchy nuts, etc.  As we tasted we talked about how all that God gives us is good! Prayer: Thank you God for All We Eat, All things Salty, All things Sweet.

SMELL -  II Corinthians 2:15 and I Thessalonians 5:2.  We talked about scents and fragrances and invited the kids to the "spa" for foot massages and nail painting - using lotions, powder, peppermint spray and polish - of all different scents.  We also put on different DIY scents in a small crock each day to fill our rooms with wonderful smells.  Prayer: Thank You for Noses that Smell, Thank You, You do All Things Well.

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